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Note Legali

General Conditions and Legal Advise

In fulfilment of the disposed in the law 34/2002 of 11 July, of the society Services of the information and of electronic commerce, published in the B.O.E. 12/7/2002, the proprietor of this Web informs to the visitors of this Web site the general conditions that rules its use and/or consult.

This web site is the propriety of FUJI-MAE S.L., located on Can Albareda Street, Numbers. 5-7. Industrial polygon El Congost. 08760-Martorell. Spain. With C.I.F. B-60251113, and registered in the mercantile registry of Barcelona on volume 25310, Folio 197, page 87013-B, inscription 5, dated 20/12/1999, Phone 93 775 04 33, E-mail: Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. E' necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo. .

The use of this page gives to the visitor the condition of user and its use implies the complete acceptance of the present general and particular conditions of use, effective every moment, meaning that the non acceptance or inconformity with any of them, should abandon this site and don't make use of it.

The proprietor of the site reserves the right to modify at any time and without previous warning the content of the same ones. Also the proprietor of the page reserves the right to interrupt, suspend or modify the content of the page or the general or particular conditions. For that reason the visitor will have to accept after his complete reading all of the conditions, whenever he reaches this site.

The visitor commits itself to make an allowed and suitable use of the contents of the Web Site, always agreeing with the effective Spanish legislation, the moral, moral generally accepted convention and the settled down public order.
Thus the user commits to:

  • Not to make a no authorized or fraudulent use of the Web site, or contraries to the established in these general conditions.
  • Not to make a use of the Web Site that could cause in any way damages of any nature, neither to the Web Site, nor to the proprietor of the page Web, nor to its administrators or employees, nor to the third that announces in this Web.
  • Not to try to accede to restricted sites or areas of the Web Site, without the mandatory written authorization of the proprietor of the Web.
  • Not to introduce by means of this Web, viruses or any other physical or logical system susceptible to cause damages in the physical or logical systems of the Web or other users.
  • Not to manipulate the content data on the web site.
  • And in general not to make any act that could generate neither a physical nor an image reduction of the Web Site or its proprietor.

The proprietor of the Site reserves the possibility of using cookies when a visitor navigates by this Web Site. These would be associated only with an anonymous visitor and his computer without providing references that allow deducing personal data of the user. The user will be able to form his navigator so that he notifies and he rejects the installation of the cookies of the proprietor of this Site, without this forbidding the visitor to accede to the content to this page.

It is terminally prohibited, except for a direct and written authorization of the proprietor of this Web, the diffusion, edition, cession, sale or transmission of all or some of the contents, data and images of any nature that appears on this Web.

The proprietor of the page declines any responsibility by the damages that could be caused by the lack of availability and/or continuity of this Web and of the services that appear in it.

The proprietor declines as well any responsibility concerning the veracity, exactitude or use of the services and/or information that lend in others webs interlaced or linked with this Web, without it exerts no type of control nor supervision on the same ones.

If any information appeared on the web could damage proprieties rights, image of any kind, the visitors should make contact with the proprietary of the web site in order to take the necessary measures or pertinent actions.

The proprietor of the site does not guarantee the absence of virus nor any other elements in the content of the page that can produce alterations in the computer system or electronic documents and stored files of the computer science systems of the visitors.

The proprietor is not obliged to control and he does not control the use that the visitors make of this page neither of the veracity nor exactitude of their data, as well as that these use this service in agreement with the present general conditions of use. The proprietor of the site is not responsible of the veracity, exactitude and quality of services offered by thirds that appear in this page, as well as of the information that could be exchanged among visitors and/or advertisers among themselves.

The client exonerates FUJI-MAE L.L.C., to his administrators and employees of all responsibility, civilian, ethic or of any another kind that is derived from any claim, sue, action or procedure of any kind that is, established by third against the visitors or users of this page in relation to the use of the same one.

Personal data protection
In accordance with the exposed on Statutory law 15/99 on Protection of Personal character data, the collection of your personal data and its automated treatment has the following main purpose:

  1. To obtain data in order to answer the consultations that are formulated to us, received in our email Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. E' necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo. .
    The information received through our email, will never will be sold, yielded nor rented to no other company.
  2. To know the number of visits received in our Web.

The proprietor of this page Web commits itself not to obtain data of the users with advertising purpose as well as not to send publicity of any class and type of communication with aims of sale or another commercial nature without its previous request or consent.

Also he commits not to send not demanded messages to a plurality of people or group.

Also the proprietor of the Web will not use chains of not asked for electronic messages nor previously allowed, as well as he will not use distribution lists to which he can be acceded through the offered services.

The proprietor of the Web commits itself not to make available for thirds, with any purpose, data successfully obtained from distribution lists.

The proprietor of the page has adopted the necessary measures of technical and organizational matter, to that he comes put under legally, without it guaranteeing that thirds could trough the Net have knowledge of the class, conditions and characteristics of the use that the visitors make of this page Web, declining any responsibility by the damages that could be caused by these interferences.

The benefit of the service through this Web Site, as well as the present General Conditions, as well as the individuals of each service are governed by the Spanish Law, as much resigning the proprietor of the page like the affected users of the same one or third, to their own law and being put under the Courts and city Courts of Barcelona, as much for the execution of the interpretation of the presents Conditions of Use.


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